Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Smart Notes on World Geography Part - 4

We have tried our best to make things simpler, so that anyone can understand these topics.
These are basic concepts, upon which you can understand much more complex geographical phenomenon,
Today we almost finished endogenetic forces only one section is left i.e. faults, which will be discussed in upcoming module along with a minor topic Exogenetic forces.
After that one more basic conceptual topic will be discussed, from there onwards you will be in the position of digesting the complex one.

Important geographical phenomenon
1.       Today we are going to discuss the forces affecting the crust of the earth, because these forces and resultant movements are involved in the creation, destruction, recreation and maintenance of geomaterials.
2.       The geological changes are generally of two types
(i)                  Long period changes – it is so slow that we are unable to notice it.
(ii)                short- period changes – these are noticed within few second to few hours (seismic events, volcanic eruptions, etc)
3.       The forces which affect the crust of the earth, are divided into two broad categories on the basis of their source of origin
(i)                  Endogenetic Forces
(ii)                Exogenetic Forces
Endogenetic forces
1.       The forces coming from within the earth are called as endogenetic forces.
2.       It causes two types of movements in the earth; (i) horizontal movements, (ii) vertical movements
3.       There is lack of precise knowledge regarding the mode of origin of the endogenetic forces and movements.
4.       On the basis of intensity, these are divided into two categories
(i)                  Sudden forces
(ii)                Diastrophic forces
Sudden forces
1.       It causes rapid events and massive destruction at and below the earth’s surface.
2.       These force work very quickly and there results are seen within minutes.
3.       It’s the result of long period preparation deep within the earth.
4.       Because these forces create certain relief features on the earth’s surface, they are also termed as constructive forces.

Diastrophic forces
1.       These forces operate slowly and their effects become discernible after thousand and millions of years.
2.       They affect larger areas of globe and produce meso – level reliefs (e.g.) mountains, plateaus, plain, lakes, big faults etc.)
3.       It is divided into two groups
(i)                  Epeirogenetic movements
(ii)                Orogenetic movements
Epeirogenetic movements
1.       It is continent forming
2.       Acts along the radius of earth, therefore also called radial movement
3.       Direction may be towards (subsidence) or away (uplift) from the centre.
4.       Results are seen in relief i.e. sea beaches (Kathiwar, Orissa), elevated wave cut terraces, sea caves.
Example of Emergence
1.       Evidence of marine fossils above sea level in parts of Britain Norway is examples of epeirogenetic uplift
Example of Submergence
1.       Downward movements cause subsidence of continental masses.
2.       In 1819, Rann of Kachchh was submerged as a result of earthquake.
Orogenetic movement
1.       It means mountain building
2.       It is caused due to endogenetic forces working in horizontal manner.
3.       Thus these forces create rupture, cracks, fracture and faults in the crustal parts of the earth.
4.       When these forces work face to face these are called compressional forces or convergent force.
5.       It causes crustal bending leading to the formation of folds
6.       The crustal rocks undergo the process of crustal bending in two ways
(i)                  Wrapping
(ii)                Folding

1.       It affects the larger areas of the crust, wherein the crustal parts are either warped (raised) upward or downward.
2.       When it affects larger areas, the resultant mechanism is called broad wrapping.

1.       Waves like bands are formed in the crustal rocks due to tangential compressive force.
2.       It is the result of horizontal movement caused by the endogenetic force
3.       Some parts of bent are in upward direction, they are called anticlines, and they are upfolded rock strata in arch like form.
4.       The down folded structure forming through – like features is called syncline.

Fig – Anticline & Syncline
5.       Anticlinorium represents a folding structure, where extensive anticline having numerous minor anticline and synclines.
6.       Synclinorium represents a folding structure, where extensive syncline having numerous minor anticline and synclines.

7.       The two sides of folds are called limbs of the fold, the limb shared between anticline and syncline is called middle limb.
8.       The plain line which bisects the angle between the two limbs of the anticline or middle limb of the syncline is called axis of fold or axial plane.

9.       It’s also necessary to understand dip and strike, in order to understand the structural form.
10.   The inclination of rock beds with respect to horizontal plane is called dip.
11.   The angle of dip is measured with an instrument called clinometers.
12.   The strike of an inclined bed is the direction of any horizontal line along a bedding plane.
13.   The direction of dip is always at right angle to the strike.


Types of folds
1.       The elasticity of rocks largely affects the nature and the magnitude of folding process.
2.       The softer and more elastic rocks are subjected to more intense folding, while rigid and less elastic rocks are moderately folded.
3.       Difference in intensity and magnitude of compressive forces also causes variations in the characteristics of folds.
4.       Normally both the limbs of folds are having equal limbs, but mostly they are not. 

5.       Based on the inclination of the limbs, folds are divided into five types.
(i)                  Symmetrical folds – The limbs (both) of which incline uniformly, compressive force work regularly with moderate intensity.
(ii)                Asymmetrical folds – characterized by unequal and irregular limbs, both the limbs incline at different angles, one limb is relatively larger than other.
(iii)               Monoclinal folds – one limb inclines moderately with regular slope, while other limb inclines steeply at right angle and slope is almost vertical.
(iv)              Isoclinal folds – when both the limbs of fold become parallel but not horizontal.
(v)                Recumbent folds – when the compressive forces are so strong that both the limbs of the fold become parallel as well as horizontal.
(vi)              The other types of fold are overturned fold (one limb of the fold is thrust upon another), plunge fold (when axis of fold become tilted), fan fold (extensive and broad fold consisting of several minor anticline and syncline), open folds (in which angle between the two limbs of the fold is more than 90 degree but less than 180 degree) and lastly closed folds (angle between two limbs of a fold is acute angle).


1.       Nappes are the result of complex folding mechanism caused by intense horizontal movement and resultant compressive force.
2.       Both the limbs of a recumbent fold are parallel and horizontal.
3.       Due to further increase in the continued compressive force one limb of the recumbent folds slides forward and overrides the other fold.
4.       This process is called thrust and plane along which one part of the fold is thrust is called thrust plane.
5.       The upthrust part of the fold is called overthrust fold.

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